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81 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Telephone Directory - Updated till 31st Aug, 2021 size:(1.14 MB) .
2021-09-17 190/2021
82 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Uniformity in signage system, letter head, visiting card, masthead etc, in ESIC size:(933.38 KB) .
Link of Handbook on ESIC Design with Specifications size:(39.92 KB) .
2021-09-14 189/2021
83 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Uniformity in signage system, letter head, visiting card, masthead etc, in ESIC size:(879.36 KB) .
Revised Design of General Letter Head size:(1.39 MB) .
2021-09-14 188/2021
84 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Financial Estimate and Performance Budget 2021-2022 size:(2.21 MB) .
वित्तीय प्राक्कलन तथा निष्पादन बजट 2021-2022 size:(3.02 MB) .
2021-08-24 184/2021
85 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Statistical Brochure 2017-18 size:(25.14 KB) .
Statistical Brochure 2018-19 size:(25.14 KB) .
Statistical Brochure 2019-20 size:(25.14 KB) .
2021-07-19 181/2021
86 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Statistical Abstract 2017-18 size:(2.94 MB) .
Statistical Abstract 2018-19 size:(2.86 MB) .
Statistical Abstract 2019-20 size:(3.01 MB) .
2021-07-06 178/2021
87 ESIC Medical Journal Issue 1, Vol. 1 No. 1 May 2021 ESIC Cover 2021 size:(3.17 MB) .
ESIC Medical Journal Editorial Board size:(415.93 KB) .
ESIC Medical Journal Instruction to Author size:(937.90 KB) .
ESIC Medical Journal Content Issue 1, Vol. 1 No. 1 May 2021 size:(451.22 KB) .
1. Study of Predicative Factors of Insomnia and Depression in Glaucoma Patients size:(6.34 MB) .
2. Efficacy of Allog Enic Bone Graft in Fracture Healing size:(3.77 MB) .
3. Work Environment and Ent size:(5.22 MB) .
4. Cross Sectional Study of Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis in Western India and the Effect of Local Tramcilone Therapy size:(2.50 MB) .
5. Pilonidal Sinus of Umbilicus A Rare Entity size:(1.35 MB) .
6. A Case of Galactorrhea in Male size:(1.45 MB) .
7. Management of Natal Tooth - A Case Report size:(3.09 MB) .
8. Sublingual Epidermal Inclusion Cyst A Case Report size:(2.96 MB) .
9. Use of Novel Local Hemostatics in Obgy size:(2.33 MB) .
10. A Rare Case of Giant Urethral Calculus in Fossa Navicularis size:(1.97 MB) .
11. Cervical Epidural Anaesthesia in Thyroid Surgery size:(1.58 MB) .
12. Phenytoin Toxicity Presenting As Paradoxical Seizures size:(1.94 MB) .
13. Urticaria Reaction to Citrizine size:(1.33 MB) .
14. The Male Breast Carcinoma Early Detection Survival Hope size:(3.12 MB) .
15. Repurposed Drugs for Covid-19 Update January 2021 size:(25.01 KB) .
16. Clinical Quiz size:(412.75 KB) .
2021-06-14 174/2021
88 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC COVID-19 Relief Scheme size:(5.57 MB) .
English List of Public Grievance officers PGOs for ESIC COVID-19 Relief Scheme size:(2.70 MB) .
Hindi List of Public Grievance officers (PGOs) for ESIC COVID-19 Relief Scheme size:(2.82 MB) .
2021-06-09 172/2021
89 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Wide Publicity of the measures taken by ESIC during COVID-19 Pandemic - reg. size:(470.33 KB) .
Download PDF and Open Files size:(82.55 KB) .
2021-05-03 166/2021
90 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Banner, Poster on Swachhta Pakhwada 2021 - reg. size:(43.89 KB) .
2021-04-30 165/2021

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-01-14



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