ESIC Hospital & Pgimsr, Basaidarapur, New Delhi
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                         Scientific Committee Members

S. No. Name of Doctor Designation Department
1 Dr. Paschal D' Souza Dean Dermatology
2 Dr. Deepak Kumar Sharma Medical Supretendent Administration
3 Dr. Taru Gupta Professor Gynaecology
4 Dr. Dipti Gothi Professor Pul. Medicine
5 Dr. O.P. Lakhwani Professor Orthopaedics
6 Dr. Tanweer Karim  Professor General Surgery
7 Dr. Supreeti Kohli Specialist cum Designated Professor Radiology
8 Dr. Jyoti Bagla Professor Paediatrics
9 Dr. Sarika Arora Professor Bio-chemistry
10 Dr. Madhu Gupta Specialist cum Designated Professor Anesthesia
11 Dr. Sandeep Kumar Professor Ophthalmology
12 Dr. Rajesh Chetiwal Professor Medicine
13 Dr. Sanjay Singhal Dir Professor Microbiology
14 Dr. A.K. Verma Specialist Pathology
15 Dr. Anil Kumar Thakur Professor Anesthesia


Last updated / Reviewed : 2020-12-10



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