ESIC Hospital & Pgimsr, Basaidarapur, New Delhi
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MD - Anaesthesiology

S. No. Name of Student DOB Admitted on Seat Admitted By Sub Category Physically Handicapped Exam Name Exam Roll no. All    India Rank PG Teacher under whom the candidate admitted Student Regn. No. Registered Council Name Date of Admission


Recognized State Quota OBC NO NEET 2066117115 99376 DR ANIL KUMAR THAKUR DMC/R/19304 Delhi Medical Council 24/07/2020
2 VIKAS DAGAR 27/02/1994 Permitted State Quota OBC NO NEET 2066115204 95439 DR ANIL KUMAR THAKUR DMC/R/22947 Delhi Medical Council 24/07/2020
3 ASHWIN K NAIR 17/05/1994 Recognized All India Quota GENERAL NO NEET 2066088419 10402 DR ANIL KUMAR THAKUR 71957 Travancore Cochin Medical Council, Trivandrum 29/06/2020
4 JADHAV VINAYAK LAXMAN 28/06/1983 Permitted All India Quota SC NO NEET 2066144140 28186 DR DIVYA SETHI 2008020373 Maharashtra Medical Council 29/06/2020


MD -  Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy

S. No. Name of Student DOB Admitted on Seat Admitted By Sub Category Physically Handicapped Exam Name Exam Roll no. All    India Rank PG Teacher under whom the candidate admitted Student Regn. No. Registered Council Name Date of Admission
1 PIYUSH GUPTA 18/11/1995 Recognized State Quota GENERAL NO NEET 2066118501 7822 DR TAPAN KUMAR DHALI DMC/R/25998 Delhi Medical Council 20/04/2020
2 SHARAD KUMAR CHAURASIA 30/01/1993 Permitted All India Quota OBC NO NEET 2066006111 1811 DR PASCHAL DSOUZA 2019/04/2162 Maharashtra Medical Council 24/06/2020
3 MONA SHARMA 12/12/1990 Recognized All India Quota ST NO NEET 2066113992 17993 DR SUNDEEP CHOWDHRY 79042 Delhi Medical Council 20/06/2020

Last updated / Reviewed : 2020-09-04



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